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HOW to Help Customers


The Home Depot


Brand naming, identity, employee development/concept training materials, promotional campaign,


ECD, Copy: Jo-Anne Ebensteiner
DESIGN: Stefan Faerber, Jack Wilcox, Sara Linter


THD  believed they had a customer loyalty issue and wanted a new loyalty program; however, when  we really looked into the data and surveys, they actually had a customer satisfaction problem. At the time, customers felt that employees didn't understand the department or product they worked within, so associates weren't as helpful as expected. HOW was created to drive employee engagement, cross train associates throughout the store and teach them about the main departments and, result in improving customer satisfaction. It was branding from the inside out. Branded HOW, it helped employees develop know-how about the product and customer. Based on a "journeyman/apprentice model," the program gave employees one-on-one technical training from a seasoned pro/mentor in each department. After working hours in that department and passing a competency, each employee would receive a bump in pay. Ultimately, if they learned all departments, they could earn scholarships for school. Incredibly successful, HOW remains in place today.

home depot people

Program Brand Name, Identity & Employee Materials

 How Logo.tiff
HOW Guide Cover.tiff
How Poster 2.tiff
How Poster 1.tiff
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THD 6.jpg
THD 2.jpg
THD 5.jpg
THD 4.jpg
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